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What is Telematics? — IoT, GPS, Business

What is Telematics? — IoT, GPS, Business

Managing a fleet of vehicles is a real pain, right? You want to know where each one is, that they’re running smoothly and that they’re safe. That’s where telematics comes in. I’ve been in the GPS tracking business for over 12 years at Skywonder and let me tell you, telematics can be a game changer for your business. Let’s get into what this means in simple terms.

What is Telematics?

Telematics is just a fancy word for telecommunications and informatics. Basically it’s a way to send, receive and store information about vehicles or other things. Think of it as a bridge between your vehicles and your computer or phone. It helps you see where your vehicles are, how they’re being driven and if they’re in good shape.

Telematics vs Telemetry: What’s the difference?

You may have heard of telemetry before and wondered how it’s different from telematics. Well, while telematics does a lot of things like track vehicles, plan routes and check on vehicle health, telemetry is more about the details. It’s about measuring things remotely—like speed, engine temperature or fuel level using sensors. So telemetry gives us the data and telematics uses this data to give us useful information that we can actually use.

How does IoT fit into Telematics?

Now IoT, or the Internet of Things, comes into play. IoT is a network of devices that can talk to each other. In telematics, IoT is what connects devices like GPS trackers, sensors and even smartphones to a central system. This system then processes the data and gives us useful info like where the vehicle is, how it’s being driven and how it’s doing overall. Our product TraqCare uses IoT to give businesses a full fleet management solution.

How it works

So how does this all work? A telematics system has two main parts: hardware and software. The hardware includes GPS trackers and sensors that are installed in the vehicle. These devices collect data like location, speed, fuel level and engine status. This data is then sent to a software platform—in our case TraqCare—which processes it and presents it to us. This helps us to monitor our fleet, plan better routes and get alerts if something’s off.

GPS Tracking: The Telematics Bit

GPS Tracking The Telematics Bit

GPS tracking is the core of what we do with telematics. A GPS tracker in the vehicle talks to satellites to figure out where the vehicle is. This information is then sent to the telematics platform where you can see it in real time. At Skywonder we’ve made sure our GPS trackers are super accurate so you always know where your vehicles are. But GPS tracking is just the start. Our TraqCare platform turns this data into useful information so you can actually use it and run things smoothly and safely.

Predictive Maintenance: Fixing Problems Before They Happen

I love telematics and one of my favourite bits is predictive maintenance. By looking at the data from the vehicle’s sensors, telematics can spot problems before they become major issues. For example if a sensor shows the engine is getting too hot, the system can alert you to get it checked out. That way you can avoid breakdowns, reduce downtime and extend the life of your vehicles. We’ve seen many of our clients who use predictive maintenance with TraqCare save a lot on repair costs and downtime.

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Telematics Challenges

Now let’s talk about the challenges. Telematics has many benefits but getting started can be a bit tricky. One of the challenges is the initial cost of installing telematics devices and connecting them to what you already have. But I can tell you, the savings in the long run usually makes up for it. Another challenge is managing the amount of data telematics systems produce. You need the right tools to understand and use this data. That’s why we designed our TraqCare platform to make this easier, with simple insights and reports you can actually use.

Data Privacy

I know, data privacy is a big deal when it comes to telematics. When you’re tracking vehicles and collecting driving data you need to handle this data responsibly. At Skywonder we take data privacy very seriously. Our systems are built with strong security to protect data from unauthorised access. We also give you control over your data, so you can decide who can see what. You should talk to your drivers and employees about how their data will be used and make sure you’re following the privacy rules.

Is Telematics Expensive?

Okay, let’s get to the cost. Yes, telematics does have some upfront costs, like buying GPS trackers, sensors and software. But think about how much you’ll save in the long run. Many of our clients using TraqCare see a return on their investment within months through lower fuel costs, fewer repairs and less downtime.

Flexible Pricing and Savings

At Skywonder we offer flexible pricing to suit different business sizes. Plus many insurance companies give discounts to fleets with telematics systems because they make driving safer and reduce risks. Some of our clients have seen their insurance costs go down by up to 15%. So while there is an initial cost, the savings often makes it a good investment.

Cost of doing nothing

Running your fleet without telematics means you’ll incur hidden costs like taking longer routes or more breakdowns. By investing in telematics you get the information to avoid these problems so it’s a good investment in the long run.

Why Telematics for Business

So why should you use telematics for your business? Here’s what:

  • Cost Savings: By planning better routes, reducing fuel consumption and improving vehicle maintenance, telematics can save you a lot. Our TraqCare clients have seen up to 20% reduction in fuel costs.
  • Safety: Telematics gives you insight into driving behaviour, so you can spot risky actions like speeding or harsh braking. With real-time alerts and feedback you can encourage safer driving habits and reduce accidents.
  • Productivity: With real-time tracking and route planning you can make your operations smoother, reduce delays and improve customer satisfaction. Our clients have seen improved delivery times and overall fleet efficiency.
  • Compliance: Telematics helps you comply with rules such as Hours of Service (HOS) and Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandates. By automatically recording driving hours and vehicle data, telematics makes compliance easier and reduces the chance of being caught out.

The Growing Telematics Market

Here’s an interesting fact: according to a recent market report published on Fact MR website, the global automotive telematics market is set to grow from about US$ 51.85 billion in 2024 to a whopping US$ 240.84 billion by 2034. That’s a huge increase! The market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.6% from 2024 to 2034. What this means is that more and more businesses are seeing the value in telematics and are starting to use it to their advantage. So, if you’re considering telematics, you’re on the right track—it’s an investment that’s likely to grow in importance over the years.

Telematics in Various Industries

Telematics isn’t just for one type of business. It’s used in many industries, each for different reasons:

  • Logistics and Transportation: Manages large fleets, to ensure deliveries are on time and routes are optimal.
  • Construction: Tracks equipment use and location, to improve how things are used and reduce theft.
  • Public Transportation: Makes buses and trains safer and more efficient by monitoring routes and driver behaviour.
  • Insurance: Usage-based insurance (UBI) programs use telematics data to offer personalised premiums based on driving behaviour.

Over the Hump

Getting started with telematics can seem like a big ask, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by working out what you want to achieve. Do you want to save on fuel, improve safety or make sure you’re complying with the rules? Once you know what you need, pick a telematics solution that fits. At Skywonder we work closely with our clients to understand their needs and offer solutions that work for them.

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Telematics is a Smart Investment

Telematics isn’t just technology—it’s a smart investment in your business’s future. It gives you real-time visibility and helps you make better decisions, be more efficient and safer. At Skywonder we’ve seen how telematics can transform a business from cutting costs to making customers happier. With our TraqCare platform we can help you use telematics to drive your business. Whether you have a small fleet or a large one, telematics gives you the tools to stay ahead.

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