GPS Trackers Manufacturer and Supplier

Dual-frequency GPS tracking: addressing accuracy and reliability

At Skywonder Technology, we’ve been in the GPS tracking industry for over 12 years, and one of the most exciting changes we’ve seen is dual-frequency GPS. It’s a new way of making GPS tracking more accurate and reliable. As a company that manufactures and sells GPS trackers, we always want to offer the best to our customers. This new technology helps us do just that.

We have customers from all over the world, including places like Saudi Arabia, Brazil, and Kenya. They depend on us for accurate tracking in industries like transport, delivery, and fleet management. Dual-frequency GPS helps make sure that the information we give them is spot on.

What is Dual-Frequency GPS?

In simple words, dual-frequency GPS uses two different GPS signals, called L1 and L5, instead of just one. Regular GPS only uses L1, but dual-frequency GPS can use both L1 and L5 at the same time. This makes tracking much more accurate because the device gets more information to work with. It’s like having two maps instead of one. An analysis conducted by Howard, which states “through analytical and experimental results, it is confirmed that the L1/L5 signal combination in the GPS system has low observation noise, which is suitable to use in high accuracy and precise positioning applications using standalone dual-frequency receivers.” 

At Skywonder, our dual-frequency GPS trackers are designed to work better in places where normal GPS trackers struggle. For example, our tracking software, TraqCare, which already helps people see real-time information about their vehicles, will become even more useful when it works with these dual-frequency trackers.

How Does Dual-Frequency GPS Handle Interference?

One of the biggest benefits of dual-frequency GPS is how well it deals with interference. Interference is anything that messes up the GPS signal, like buildings, trees, or even the weather. Regular GPS struggles with this because it only uses one signal, but dual-frequency GPS uses two. This helps fix any problems caused by interference.

For businesses that need accurate tracking, like those in busy cities or areas with a lot of trees, this makes a big difference. They get more reliable data, which helps them run things more smoothly.

Real-World Use Cases for Dual-Frequency GPS

Dual-frequency GPS isn’t just a fancy new feature—it has real uses that make a big impact. For example, in places like Kenya or Saudi Arabia, our customers use GPS to track their vehicles in cities with lots of tall buildings or across open desert areas. Regular GPS can sometimes give wrong information in these places because of interference. But with dual-frequency GPS, they can track their vehicles more accurately, even down to the lane they are driving in.

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Construction companies also use this technology to keep track of their tools and vehicles on large worksites. Dual-frequency GPS makes it easy to find exactly where things are, even if they’re in tricky spots. This saves time and helps them avoid losing important tools or vehicles.

For personal security, dual-frequency GPS is also very helpful. It makes sure that we know exactly where someone is, which is important for keeping people safe. Whether it’s for families or businesses, having this level of accuracy helps everyone feel more secure.

Our TraqCare platform works great with dual-frequency trackers, allowing businesses to keep a close eye on their vehicles, employees, or any other important assets.

Limitations of Dual-Frequency GPS

Even though dual-frequency GPS is a big step forward, it’s not perfect. One of the main challenges is that it can be more expensive than regular GPS. The devices that use dual-frequency cost more because they are more advanced. This can be a problem for smaller businesses or people who don’t need super-accurate tracking.

Another limitation is that not all areas have full dual-frequency coverage yet. While many GPS satellites can send both L1 and L5 signals, some places might still only get the L1 signal. This is getting better over time, but in some rural or remote locations, single-frequency GPS might still be more common.

At Skywonder, we’re always working to make sure our devices and software are ready for these changes, so we can offer the best solutions to our customers.

Comparing Dual-Frequency GPS to Other Technologies

When you compare dual-frequency GPS with other technologies like RTK GPS or dead reckoning, each one has its strengths. RTK GPS is super accurate, down to the centimeter, but it’s much more expensive and harder to use. This level of accuracy is great for things like building bridges, but for most businesses that just need to track vehicles or equipment, it’s too much.

Dead reckoning is another technology that helps when GPS signals get blocked. It guesses where a vehicle is based on its speed and direction, which is useful when driving through tunnels or under bridges. But it’s not as accurate as dual-frequency GPS when the signal is good.

For most businesses, dual-frequency GPS gives the right balance of accuracy and cost. It’s less expensive than RTK and more reliable than dead reckoning in cities or forests, making it the best option for companies that need better tracking without spending too much money.

Skywonder’s Dual-Frequency Trackers

At Skywonder, we’re proud to offer a range of GPS trackers that support dual-frequency technology. These devices work perfectly with our TraqCare software, giving businesses a great solution for their tracking needs. We’ve sent these trackers to all kinds of places—from busy streets in Kuwait to the forests of Uganda—and they always provide reliable, accurate data.

One of our best-selling dual-frequency models is the GT06 GPS Tracker, which is designed for fleet management. It offers features like real-time tracking, lane-level accuracy, and geofencing, which means you can draw a virtual boundary around a location and get alerts if a vehicle goes outside of it. This tracker is perfect for companies that need to track vehicles or tools in tough environments where regular GPS just doesn’t work as well.

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How Dual-Frequency GPS Is Changing the Future

The rise of dual-frequency GPS is part of a bigger trend in telematics. Telematics is the technology used to track vehicles and assets, and it’s getting more advanced every day. As more companies realise the benefits of dual-frequency GPS, the demand for these trackers will keep growing.

For us at Skywonder, this is an exciting time. It means we can continue to lead the way in offering the best GPS tracking solutions. We believe that dual-frequency GPS will soon become the standard for companies that need highly accurate tracking, especially as the price of these devices goes down and the technology improves.

By building dual-frequency GPS into our trackers and TraqCare platform, we’re making sure that our customers always have access to the latest and most reliable tracking tools.


At Skywonder Technology, we’ve spent more than a decade offering the best GPS tracking solutions to our customers. Now, with the introduction of dual-frequency GPS, we’re taking things to the next level. This new technology makes tracking more accurate and reliable, which is exactly what businesses need, whether they’re managing fleets of vehicles, tracking valuable equipment, or keeping people safe.

Our TraqCare platform and dual-frequency GPS trackers work together to give our customers the tools they need to run their operations smoothly and confidently. We’ve seen the difference that dual-frequency GPS can make, and we’re excited to keep offering these cutting-edge solutions as the technology continues to evolve.

At Skywonder, we’re always ready to help our customers get the most out of GPS tracking technology, and we believe dual-frequency GPS is the future of the industry.

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